Notes from the Road

  • Notes from the Road


    I am going to miss my flight!!!! This thought hits me like the final verdict. It is the 14th of January 2012. It’s my father’s birthday and the first time I’m going home after working over Christmas at the hospital! This though resounds in my head and I visualize the events of today, what went wrong?! …. 9h45 – I arrive home from my last and hectic 3rd night shift in a row. In a normal day I would have gone to sleep and woken up at 8pm with an upside down sleep pattern. But today I have a flight at 5h10pm and I still have to pack the big luggage with all the…

  • Notes from the Road


    It’s 6.40am, time to takeoff! This has always been my favorite part of travelling by plane: no matter where I am going, I am going to fly! The airplane get’s ready, facing the long large road and it is now speeding. I like to push myself forward to feel the gravity pulling my body against the seat! Faster, faster and faster… I feel those butterflies in my tummy, an emptiness under my seat, the airplane leans  (and there is this brief moment where I always think the airplane is going to touch the floor while it is leaning up – it’s silly I know). I can see the ground moving away, the houses…